Epson Perfection V600

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The Perfection V600 Photo offers astonishing scanning quality and versatility for your home or office.

  • 6400 x 9600 DPI scanning
    Optical Density of 3.4 Dmax
    Built-in Transparency Unit Film Holder
    Epson Easy Photo Fix

Scanner Type:Flatbed colour image scannerOptical Resolution:Main 6,400 dpi x Sub 9,600 dpi *1Optical Density:3.4 DmaxOutput Resolution:50 to 6400, 9600, 12800 dpi (50 to 6400 dpi in 1 dpi increments) *3Scanner Bit Depth (Colour):48-bit input, 48/24-bit outputScanner Bit Depth (Grayscale):16-bit input, 16/8-bit outputScanner Bit Depth (Black & White):16-bit input, 1-bit outputMax Document Size:Reflective: 216 x 297mm (A4, US Letter size document)
Transparency: 68.6 x 242.4mm (35mm x 12 frames strip film, 35mm x 4 frames mounted film, 6 x 22cm x 1 frame medium format film)

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Epson Perfection V600